Ruby Rose's All 52 Tattoos and Their Meaning With Pictures

The famous Australian model, television presenter, and television presenter, Ruby Rose Langenheim has inked several tattoos on her body, counting up to 52. Each of the tattoos holds a specific and special meaning for her.
The former presenter of MTV Australia has almost her whole body covered with the inks having a different purpose. Following are her tattoos with their appropriate meaning:
Giant Pantone Color Chart on Back
Ruby has a giant pantone color chart inked on the center of her back. The meaning of the tattoo is to represent all the colors universally. She jokingly added in her Instagram about the tattoo saying people can hire her and she would stand facing the wall while they can choose the color of their choice.
Ruby Stone on Right Forearm
On the right forearm of Rose, she has inked a ruby stone (diamond) in order to tribute her first name.
Heart and Roses with Name
The 33 years old DJ Ruby Rose has inked a heart along with two beautiful roses on her left forearm. At the center of the heart, there is the name 'Dita Parlow' inked. The name resembles a lot to the late German actress Dita Parlo. Hence, she might have inked the tattoo to pay tribute to the actress.

'TRUST IN GOD' on Right Forearm
Also on the right forearm, below the Ruby tattoo, the 'Batwoman' star has a writing on 'TRUST IN GOD'. The writing has been inked with different colors and reflects her spirituality and faith in god.
Portrait on Upper Left Arm
Ruby has another tattoo on her upper left arm which is of a woman's portrait. It also might be the face of an actress she is truly obliged of.
Cross on Right Forearm
Just below the ruby and writing tattoo on the right forearm, there is a cross symbol tattooed in a simple way with black ink. It is also inked to show that she strongly believes in God.
834 on Center of Left Arm
On the inside of left elbow or the center of left arm, Rose has 834 inked. Near that, she also has a small ladybug inked which is considered to be a symbol of good luck. As for the numbers, she got it in order to show her support for LGBT community because she is also a lesbian, did you know that?
MTV on Right Hand's Fingers
Ruby has three letters MTV inked on the fingers of her right hand. The alphabet M starts from the ring finger, T at the middle finger, and V is on the index finger. Talking about the tattoo's meaning, she got it tattooed in order to show love for MTV Australia where she worked as presenter for four years between 2007 and 2011.
Cross, Fish & Waves on Right Arm
The lesbian model also has a huge tattoo inked on the upper part of her right forearm. The tattoo contains a picture of waves with fish and cross symbol at the center of it.

'JUST LOVE' on Knuckles
Phoebe Dahl's estranged fiancee has the knuckles of her both hands inked with 'JUST LOVE'. The word 'JUST' is inked on right hand's finger and 'LOVE' is inked on left hand's finger. The purpose behind this tattoo is to show her love and support for every kind of relationships. As she is openly lesbian, she believes that everyone has to love anyone of their choice and there is no room for hate.
Zodiac Sign on Left Wrist
On the left wrist, Ruby has inked a Zodiac sign tattoo which consists of Pisces and Capricorn.
'KING' on Middle Finger
Rose has inked the word 'KING' on the side of the middle finger of her right hand. King is the name of her dog so the tattoo may be probably for her fur baby.
Tiger, Waves, and Cherry Blossom on Right Arm
On the inside of the upper right arm, the 'John Wick: Chapter 2' star has inked a beautiful pattern of waves, tiger, and cherry blossom. The tattoo represents the two different nature; soft and nature of a person.
Blue Sparrow on the Neck
At the nap of neck, Ruby has another tattoo which is of a blue sparrow inked. Having any type of bird tattoo is usually a symbolization of freedom.
Boxing Gloves with Lighting Bolts and Names
On the right side of the back, Rose has inked a gorgeous tattoo which consists of a pair of boxing gloves enclosed by two leaves at the base, two lighting bolts from the upper side's left and right. At the top of the tattoo, there is the name 'The Thorn' inked as it is her boxing nickname.

Below the tattoo, there is another name 'Lionel' inked which is of her late grandfather's name. Hence, his name has been inked to honor him.
Stars Behind the Ear
Behind the right ear, the gorgeous boxer has stars inked which are usually considered as the symbol of fighting against darkness.
Writing on the Back
On the center of the back, Ruby has a writing inked 'Nothing Takes Away The Past Like The Future'. She got the ink back in 2010 in order to motivate herself to move forward in life.
'LOVE' Behind the Ear
Rose has inked the word 'LOVE' behind her left ear which she had for her girlfriend back in 2009 as she posted in her Instagram saying 'For her...'.
Tank Girl on Back
On the left side of back, Ruby has inked 'Tank Girl', a character from British comic book. She got the tattoo as she is a huge fan of the character.
Mum on the Side of Wrist
There is the word 'MUM' inked on the side of right wrist of the sexy model. She got the tattoo in order to show love and respect for her mother, Kate Langeheim as she gave birth to her at 20 years old and took care of her as a single mother.
Heart With Banner
Below the tank girl tattoo, there is a heart inked on the left side of the actress' back. The heart is surrounded by a banner that has words 'PHOEBE + RUBY. ' inked in it. After Rose split with Dahl back in 2015, she still had some tattoo for some time. But she eventually removed the name PHOEBE removed with the help of laser treatment.

'TRUTH' on Left Wrist
On the left wrist, Ruby has the word 'TRUTH' inked which represents her sincerity, honesty, and genuineness.
Opossum Tattoo
There is a tattoo on the right side of the rib cage of the Melbourne born model. It is of an opossum climbing a tree where opossum is an animal which is usually referred for good immunity.
'Danke Schon’ on Right Arm
There is the writing 'Danke Schon' inked on the center of right arm of Rose. The phrase translates to 'Thank You Very Much' in English language. She is showing her gratitude for people and god.
Rose & Tribal Tattoo
Ruby Rose, who has a net worth of $2 million, has a tattoo inked on the lower back which is of a rose flower along with a tribal design. Rose symbolizes new beginnings, promises, and hope.
Astro Boy on Right Forearm
The Australian actress has also inked the character of Astro Boy, a Japanese manga series' protagonist on her right forearm. She had the ink as she gets deeply inspired by the character.
Archer Tattoo on Belly
On the right side of Ruby's belly, she has inked the tattoo of the lead character of Archer, a comedy television series. She really loved the show and hence it is the reason why she got the tattoo.

Gumby on Left Forearm
Rose also is a huge fan of Gumby, an American clay animation series based on the character of a green clay humanoid. She has inked the Gumby character wearing a purple cat like costume and using a spray paint on the wall. The character is spraying the words 'Let Go Let Go' on the wall.
Unicorn and Name tattoo
On the upper part of the television presenter's right leg or basically on her right thigh, she has inked an unicorn which is considered as the symbol of divine powers. Just below the animal, there is the name 'Lauren' inked which is the name of her ex-girlfriend.
Heart Playing Cards on the Side of Chest
On the left side of chest, Rose has three playing cards of heart inked.
Lyrics on the Left Rib Cage
On the side of the backside of her left rib cage, the Australian native has inked the lyrics of the hit song of the famous band Metallica. She had the tattoo at 16 years old. The song is 'Nothing Else Matters' and the lyrics that she has got inked is
'So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters'
Smile on Left Rib cage
Langenheim has the word 'Smile' inked on her left rib cage, below her left breast. The meaning of it is to never let go off a happy mood and face no matter what happens.
'Maybe she’s born with it' on Collarbone
Rose also has the writing 'Maybe she’s born with it' inked on her right collarbone. It is actually the advertising slogan of the famous cosmetic brand Maybelline New York. And as we know the dazzling model has been the face of the brand, it is the reason she got the tattoo.

Writing on Left Forearm
On the left forearm, the 'Run With Wild Horses' near her Gumby tattoo. The writing represents the independent character of the holder. The actress has also been totally defining her tattoo as she has achieved a lot of success only by herself.
Crown Below Chest
Ruby also has a huge crown tattoo inked just below her chest. The crown is actually one of the works of the famous artist Jean-Michel Basquiat. She admires the artist very much so she has inked the crown below her chest.
'LIFE' on Right Wrist
There is a word 'LIFE' inked on the right wrist of Rose which is inked with red and orange color.
Rosary Beads on Left Side of Waist
The 'Orange Is the New Black' star has inked the left side of her waist with rosary beads. The tattoo is considered as the protection from evil spirits and negative energy.
Symbols and Rainbow on Right Wrist
There are four symbols inked next to the LIFE tattoo of Ruby Rose which consists of a black star, purple smiley face, a blue peace sign, and a green heart. There is also a rainbow inked just beside the symbols.
As rainbows represent different colors, the actress got the tattoo to show her support for LGBT community which consists of people with different sexuality and sexual preference. The different symbols are also used as reference to different type of people and the equality between them.
MEOW on Inner Part of Lower Lip
Ruby has inked the word 'MEOW' on the inner part of her lower lip. She has said that it was the most painful tattoo she had.

Dog's Portrait on Left Hand
In March 2013, Rose has inked her pet dog's portrait on the back of her left hand. She even took to her Twitter by revealing the tattoo captioning “Nobody is perfect … except my dog”. She has a half sleeve tattoo of her dog on the back of her arm and has added some blue bubbles around the animal's face so that the pooch's face matches with the sleeve tattoo.
Writing on Left Upper Arm
On the left upper arm, the former host of MTV Australia has inked a writing that reads 'Be the person your dog thinks you are'. She inked it because of her love towards her pet dog.
Mask Tattoo
The 'Resident Evil: The Final Chapter' actress has another tattoo on her left forearm which is of a mask. A mask tattoo usually represents different emotions of a person.
‘Jean-Michel Basquiat’ Portrait
Just above the writing tattoo on the left upper arm, Rose has inked the portrait of the famous artist ‘Jean-Michel Basquiat’. She was a huge fan ad admirer of the late artist who was famous for street art. She inked his face in order to honor him following his death from drug overdose.
Key on Left Forearm
On the left forearm and just below the elbow, Ruby Rose has inked a key which is the representation of unlocking new doors, new paths, and new paths that the holder has to go through.
D.I.Y on left wrist
D.I.Y which is the short form of 'Do It Yourself' has been inked on the left wrsit of the cute model. The writing clearly speaks for itself and says we should do it ourselves and never depend upon anyone else to do our work.

Ninja Turtle on Right Forearm
On the right forearm, the glamorous actress has inked Leonardo aka Leo from the 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle'. The reason behind this tattoo is because she used to think that she was the character when she used to wear the costume. She even posted a picture of her in her childhood wearing the costume and mentioned the sole purpose behind her ink.
Cyclone Swirl
A cyclone swirl tattoo is inked on the side of the successful model. The tattoo is just for fashion purpose and represents her fashion taste.
'...And Breathe Me' on the Side of Neck
On the left side of neck, Ruby has inked ‘…And Breathe Me’ which is lyric of the famous singer Sia Furler's song 'Breathe Me'. In fact, Sia is her very good friend and she got inspired by her pal's song.
Rabbit on Lower Back
There is a white rabbit drawn on the right side of Ruby Rose's lower back. The cute animal wearing a jacket and holding a pocket watch in its hand. She got inspired by ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ and had to wait three long hours to get the tattoo done back.
Polly Esther on Right Forearm
Ruby is a die hard fan of Samurai Pizza Cats, an animated TV show. She has inked the character from the show 'Polly Esther' on her right forearm. She had the tattoo back in 2012 which completed her full sleeve tattoo.

'Here' on Middle Finger
Langenheim has also inked the word 'Here' on the middle finger of left hand. According to the star herself, the tattoo means living life to the fullest.
Writing on Upper Left Arm
On the upper left arm, the Ruby Rose has inked the writing 'There is nothing new under the sun'. For this tattoo, she has said that her body is a canvas.
For more latest and authentic information about celebrity tattoos, visit Glamour Path.