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Meet Riley Norah Tracy: Unveiling the Details of Norah O'Donnell's Beloved Child

Published Thu Jun 01 2023 By emperor
Meet Riley Norah Tracy: Unveiling the Details of Norah O'Donnell's Beloved Child

Step into the captivating world of Norah O'Donnell, renowned CBS reporter, where the camera lights and breaking news headlines reveal a heartwarming tale of family. Meet Riley Norah Tracy, the youngest daughter of Norah and Geoff Tracy, who has stolen the spotlight with her irresistible charm and towering stature, even surpassing her older siblings. 

From the moment Riley entered the world, her radiant spirit and boundless energy set her apart. With each passing day, she grows taller and more confident, leaving an indelible mark on those around her. Join us as we unveil the remarkable journey of this adorable youth, filled with precious moments and a future that promises greatness.

Early Life of Riley Tracy 

As mentioned earlier, Riley Norah Tracy is the youngest daughter of CBS reporter Norah O'Donnell and her husband Geoff Tracy. She was born on July 5, 2008.

Riley Norah Tracy with her parents, grandma, sister and brother.
Riley Norah Tracy with her parents, grandma, sister, and brother. Source: Instagram 

Riley entered the world on a Saturday at 11:39 a.m., weighing 8 pounds and measuring 21 inches in length. Her maternal grandparents, Noreen Bernadette (O'Kane) and Francis Lawrence O'Donnell have notable backgrounds as a doctor and a US Army officer, respectively.

Family Background 

Riley comes from a diverse heritage. Her mother's side traces back to Ireland, with roots in Derry, Belfast, and Donegal, encompassing both sides of the Irish Border. 

Three of her maternal great-grandparents were immigrants, and her maternal great-grandfather lived in the U.S. as an undocumented resident for 16 years. Adding to her Irish heritage, Riley's father is also of Irish-American descent.

Has Two Siblings 

Riley is the youngest child in Norah and Geoff's family. They had twins, Grace and Henry, on May 18, 2007. Grace is the eldest, born one minute before Henry. According to the book "Baby Love" by O'Donnell, Henry was the most dominant person in the family during their childhood. 

When Grace was a toddler, she had a lot of energy and took after her Granny Franny. Norah describes her as a caring child who genuinely cares about others' feelings. 

Riley Norah Tracy with her sister, Grace, and brother, Henry.
Riley Norah Tracy with her sister, Grace, and brother, Henry. Source: Facebook

Like her younger sister, Grace also had a good appetite and enjoyed eating yogurt, pancakes, and sparkling water. Her favorite colors were purple and pink, and she used to believe that everything pink belonged to her. 

Henry nicknamed Hank the Tank, was born smaller than Grace. As a newborn, he had a serious expression with a furrowed brow. According to his mother, Henry has beautiful red hair and has grown into a handsome and strong boy.

Henry loves playing the guitar, watering flowers, riding scooters, using vacuums, and hunting acorns. His favorite color is blue because Grace told him so. He enjoys eating bananas and raisins, but he developed a liking for fresh pasta and marinara from their dad's restaurant.

About Riley Norah Tracy's Parents 

Successful Individuals Riley's mother, Norah O'Donnell, is an accomplished news anchor, currently leading the CBS Evening News and serving as a correspondent for 60 Minutes and Face the Nation. Her work has garnered her numerous accolades, including two Emmys. 

Riley Norah Tracy's parents posing for a photo shoot.
Riley Norah Tracy's parents posing for a photo shoot. Source: Instagram

Norah's husband, Geoff Tracy, is a celebrity chef and successful restaurant businessman with multiple establishments in the Washington, D.C. area. Together, Norah and Geoff co-authored the New York Times Best Seller book, "Baby Love," and reside in a $3.2 million home in D.C.'s Wesley Heights.

Strict Rules for Riley & Siblings Regarding Screen Time

Norah and Geoff prioritize limited screen time for their children, including Riley. They enforce rules such as no phones after 8:30 p.m. or during meal times and prohibit phone use in the car. 

Instead, they encourage family interaction and communication. There is even a device in their home that limits texting to a designated timeframe.

A Strong Bond Between Riley's Parents 

Norah and Geoff share a close bond, having tied the knot on June 8, 2001, after meeting at Georgetown University. 

Riley Norah Tracy's parents posing for a photo shoot while holding a cute dog. 
Riley Norah Tracy's parents posing for a photo shoot while holding a cute dog. Source: Instagram 

They have supported each other throughout their respective careers, with Norah even helping Geoff paint the walls of his first restaurant during their early years together.

A Memorable Mom Moment 

Norah, in an interview with Posh Seven, shared a heartwarming mom moment involving Riley. One evening, Norah was busy getting her three kids ready for bed when she received a call from the Today Show, asking her to write an article about Sarah Palin's new book. 

With no babysitter available, Norah had to think on her feet. She turned on Elmo on TV and took her computer and phone to a corner of the nursery to work. While she was engrossed in writing, Grace, the eldest, used the portable potty to relieve herself. 

Right after, Riley, who was just a year old, went over to the potty and accidentally flung it across the room, causing a bit of a mess with the pee. The nursery ended up covered in urine.

A Quick Look At Riley Norah Tracy's Parents' Net Worth

Riley is fortunate to have loving and wealthy parents. Her mom, Norah, is a successful CBS reporter and has accumulated a net worth of $22 million, like Josh Holloway. She earns an impressive annual salary of $8 million throughout her career.

Riley Norah Tracy's mother, Norah O'Donnell holding the henew U.S. currency that has two women’s signatures.
Riley Norah Tracy's mother, Norah O'Donnell holding the new U.S. currency that has two women’s signatures. Source: Instagram

Riley's father, Geoff Tracy, is a chef and also owns a restaurant. He has a net worth of $8 million. Together, Riley's parents have a combined net worth of $30 million.

Hobbies & Interests Of Riley Norah Tracy

Riley, described as tall and slender, stands out with her height consistently in the 99th percentile. People often mistake her for being a triplet because of her stature. She has a diverse palate and enjoys Alba's Chicken Soup, strawberries, and broccoli. 

Norah O'Donnell's daughter Riley adores animals, takes swimming lessons, and finds comfort in cuddling. She also has a passion for rock 'n' roll music and has participated in junior golf tournaments. 

Each sibling has their own dreams: Grace aims to be a rock star, Riley aspires to be a skilled horse rider, and Henry hopes to become a soccer player. This family prioritizes limited screen time, fosters strong connections, and supports their children's individual interests and ambitions.


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