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August Theron - Charlize Theron’s Daughter | Photos and Facts

Published Sun Sep 29 2019 By Samana
August Theron - Charlize Theron’s Daughter | Photos and Facts

August Theron is the adopted celebrity baby girl of Charlize Theron. August was adopted in August of the year 2015. 

The name "August" is derived from the Latin word "Augustus" which was again derived from the Latin word "Augere" which means "to increase". 

Augustus was the name given to the Roman emperors which gave off the meaning "Esteemed" or "Venerable".

Mother's Net Worth

August's mother, Charlize Theron has a hefty sum of $200 million as her net worth. Her earnings and riches are all the result of her hard work and dedication to her career as an actress. 

She has been a part of many hit movies through which she earned her fame and loving and supporting fans who are like her family. 

August's rich and gorgeous mama, Charlize Theron.
August's rich and gorgeous mama, Charlize Theron.
Image Source: Pinterest

August lives a luxurious life with her very rich mommy and her older sibling. 

Mama's Relationship History

August Theron's mama has quite several wrong frogs she kissed who was  not her Prince Charming. She has dated Brad Pitt, Keanu Reeves, Sean Penn, Stuart Townsend, Craig Bierko, and Stephan Jenkins. 

Out of everyone on the list, the one that made headlines is Charlize's relationship with Sean Penn. She and Sean Penn broke up because he had no intention of adopting Jackson. This is how and why Charlize is rocking her single mother life playing the role of the father to her kids too. 

Sibling - Jackson Theron

August has an elder sibling named Jackson Theron. Jackson is also Charlize's adopted child who was adopted on the year 2012. 

Jackson was born as a boy and was treated like a boy until he said that he was not a boy. Jackson had made a lot of people on the internet talk after she was seen walking around in a girl's dress. August's mama was questioned on her parenting skills and was heavily criticized for making her son wear whatever. 

August in her mama's arms while her sibling, Jackson is seen rocking a dress.
August Theron in her mama's arms while her sibling, Jackson is seen rocking a dress.
Image Source: Zimbio

Things later got clear when Charlize revealed that August's big brother was actually transgender and identified herself as a girl even though he was born a girl. August is very close to Jackson and the two have a strong bond. 

Getting Help From Grandmother To Raise Her

Since Charlize is a single mom who is also playing the role of a father in her children's lives, things get hard for her. August Theron's mother has always credited her mother, her grandma for helping her raise her two wonderful kids. 

August's mama also got a lot of negative comments regarding her mother helping her raise her kids because Gerda had shot her husband as a self-defense act.

Since it was all a self-defense thing even though Gerda's husband died, Charlize has never replied or given any comments to the people who bashed her mother. 

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