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home Celebrity Babies Alex Van Dyke - Carey Van Dyke’s Son With Anne Coolbaugh

Alex Van Dyke - Carey Van Dyke’s Son With Anne Coolbaugh

Published Mon Sep 02 2019 By Samana
Alex Van Dyke - Carey Van Dyke’s Son With Anne Coolbaugh

Alex Van Dyke is the celebrity baby of Carey Van Dyke and Anne Coolbaugh. He is the couples' youngest son among their two other kids.

The name "Alex" is normally a short form of the name 'Alexander' which is made up of two Greek words 'alexein' which means 'to defend' and 'andros' which means 'man'. 

Parents' Net Worth

Alex Van Dyke's father, Carey Van Dyke has the net worth of $3 million. His father is a famous actor and a writer who has gained popularity through his talent and hard work.

Alex' father Carey Van Dyke.
Alex' father Carey Van Dyke.
Image Source: IMDB

Alex' mother, Anne Coolbaugh has the net worth of $500,000. 

Parents' Relationship

Alex's parents- Carey and Anne were married in the month of Love on February of the year 2000. They were happy and living their best life and more happiness added up when Anne gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. They lived happily for some time before parting their ways and getting divorced.

Two Siblings

Alex has two older siblings who are named Mia Van Dyke and Ava Van Dyke. He is the only son among Carey and Anne's children. 

Ava is the only biological child of the couple. Mia and Alex were adopted by them. 

Adopted By Carey Van Dyke and Anne Coolbaugh

During Alex' parents marriage, they had adopted two children, Mia Van Dyke and Alex himself. The two were born to Anne and her ex husband. 

Carey adopted the two because he wanted them to share his surname and feel like they're his own kids.

Alex's adoptive father Carey with his family.
Alex's adoptive father Carey with his respective family elders.
Image Source: Getty

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